Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update on Master Makeover

I forgot to take a before picture of the Master bedroom, but just imagine only the bed and the TV sitting on a rickety table.  No furniture for storage and no curtains.

But now the furniture has been painted and put into place.  Curtains have been hung and I love the progress so far.  

The next thing on the list is to work on the accessories, but for now, you can take a peak.

(Sorry for the poor picture quality, it is rainy)

Love the Night Stand on my side of the bed! 

This L is my initial, my husband has his initial on his night stand.

I am very happy with the progress so far and am already looking for more accessories.

This is what our little Bud looked like on Saturday

The snow is now gone and rain has taken its place and warmer weather is on its way.

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Linking to:

From My Porch to Yours - Treasure Hunt Thursday

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dresser Makeover

Yesterday I showed two nightstands that have been made over and will be used in the master bedroom.

You can read about them here.

Today I finished the dresser.

Here is what it looked like before

 The drawers

Not very appealing.  This has been sitting in the garage since we moved and I hadn't planned on using it because it was so ugly.  However, I was tired of not having any storage in our bedroom and didn't want to buy something, so this is how it I transformed it.

I will be moving all three pieces upstairs soon.  Can't wait to show you!

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Linking to:

Furniture Feature Fridays

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Night Stand

Back in November I found a small table at Goodwill and purchased it to use as a night stand in the master bedroom.  The plan was to find something similar and paint them both the same.  But I got side tracked, once I painted that first table, I fell in love with it being downstairs.

You can read all about that transformation here.

Now fast forward to a couple of weeks ago.  I was visiting my local Goodwill again, and there it was.  The perfect mate for my once imagined night stand.  I decided to go back to my original plan and bought the second table for 9.99 and I'm going to use both in my master bedroom.


I love this table!  Everything about it!

Here are the two side by side.

I'm really excited about getting the master bedroom put together.

On a side note, here is today picture of my little bud.
Yesterday I had such high hopes, the sun was shining bright and the temperature warmed up a bit.  Today it is cold and snowing.

I love comments!  Please let me know you stopped by!

Linking to:
Home Stories A2Z

The DIY Show Off


Furniture Feature Fridays

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

The Scott's Crib